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Kim Sunhee

<The Dreaming Girl>


It was at the beach one day when a luminescent rainbow dashed through the clear blue sky; a vibrant interruption of the peace. The dazzling spectacle captivated the populace; as the parents pressed the shutter of their cameras, the children pressed play on the excitement and awe in the atmospheric elation both young and old wished to partake in. In that moment, I felt the raw and unhindered passions of my youthful innocence once more; immediately inspired over again to portray the hues of childhood in my work. With the emotions I leave through this canvas, I hope to leave an impact that will last.


 The rainbow is a symbolic figure of our imaginations and fantasies as a child; an imprint we all inscribe in our memories. I convey these memories of the past into my current pictures in the form of cheerful, bright colors, whether it is presented on the girls, the trees, or the surroundings. I want these fragments of my memory to be living in my paintings, here, in the present.


We all have aspirations, and even if they come true, new dreams will flourish; as humans, we are all flawed and constantly striving to perfect our imperfections. Symbolic of our eternal desire, the little girl in every painting is an illustration of not only me, but of the inner child of everyone else. The watercolors used in my pictures depict blissful ignorance. It’s vivid and fluorescent colors exemplify childish and wild imaginations, yet the sheerness embodies the faded navet of youth. As people observe my artwork, I hope to restore the purity of childhood.

Solo Exhibition

         2018 Solo invitied Exhibition, Niliry gallery.

         2018 Solo invitied Exhibition, Bodre Andamiro gallery.

2017 Gana art space gallery, Korea

2017 Niliry gallery, Korea

2017 Bodre Andamiro gallery , Korea.


Art Fair & Group Exhibition

         2018 Design Art Fair (Seoul Art Center, Korea)

         2018 Art Busan (Bexco, Korea)

2017 Special Exhibition (ILHO Gallery, Korea)

2017 Special Exhibition (LH Model House Gallery ,Korea)

2017 Contemporary Women Fine Art Association. (LAMER Gallery, Korea)

2017 Design Art Fair (Seoul Art Center, Korea)

2017 Spirit Exhibition of Today’s Artists in Korea, (Insa Art Plaza Gallery, Korea)

2017 Online_exhibition (

2016 Sun-hee Kim Small Works Exhibition (Niliry gallery, Korea)

2016 Ansan International Art Fair (Ansan Art Center, Korea)

2016 Design Art Fair (Seoul Art Center, Korea).

2016 INSADONG Art Fair (LAMER Gallery, Korea)

2016 INSADONG People Exhibition (LAMER Gallery, Korea)

2016 Contemporary Women Fine Art Association. (Misulsegye Gallery, Korea)

2015 Design Art Fair (Seoul Art Center, Korea)

- Received numerous awards, including the Special Award in Korea modern Formative arts Exhibition,

Korea woman art Exhibition, KangNam arts Festival, healing arts Festival, Gwanak modern arts Festival,

and Contemporary Women art Exhibition.


- Received a bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts in Korea.


Selected Acquisition

Crown hill Cooking Class, MungDong Dental Clinic, Bodre Andamiro Gallery, Niliry gallery,

Cheenguddle Children’s hospital, Bymilli Interior, and Private collectors.

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Zurich (Switzerland) / Incheon (South Korea)

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